18 Ağustos 2021 Çarşamba


 Malum böyle bir şey var, Orta Doğu vahşi maymunlarını egzotik bir hayvan hakkı korurmuşçasına savunan mallar. Hele ki bunların kadın olanları mal ki ne mal. Aşağıda bu mallarla olan bir tartışmamı bulacaksınız. Çeviri ile uğraşamam İngilizce bilmeyene Google Translate var. Benim yazdıklarımsa Türk İngilizcesi o kısmı anlarsınız zaten.

Efenim ön bilgi Facebook'ta sanat sepetli sayfalara üye oluyorum. Önüme güzel bir resim düştü mü hoşuma gitsin deyü. Sonra aşağıdaki resim düştü dedim şimdi bir egzotik hayvansever damlar hemen damladı da. 

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Sayfa bu, World Art and Literature | Facebook

Damlayan bu,


So women wearing hijab don't read? This photo is wrong on many levels.


Ben ---> Vica they are accepting to live like a ghost and yes they have no right to read anything in many areas. Wake up and don't try to normalize this madness. Nobody can say you are a woman so we will hide you like a shit.

Mısırlı bir eleman -> Mahmôud Khairy

Suna Göktuna am from Egypt, and there are many women and girls, veiled or not, who have the freedom to choose, and the upper class of them are veiled at their own will...And all the women in my country study in all universities and work in all professional fields..... You are don't know anything about the hijab.

Ben ---> Mahmôud Khairy i'm from Turkey and i'm a woman i know İslam. May be you are very glad to see that women in this situation but i'm not. We are not your properties and we don't need your permissions, i don't interested in your primitive beleives and ideas.

Suna Göktuna The veiled woman is not enslaved, but rather she has complete freedom....and she does not need you because she is not weak like you.

Ben ---> Mahmôud Khairy I'm not weak primitive man go back your cave.

Mısırlı ->Suna Göktuna My country has 6000 thousand years of civilization...... You are not veiled and yet you are not educated and do not know anything about human history :)

Ben --->  Mahmôud Khairy Dear Arabic, Egyptian history is not your history. There were original Egyptians than Greeks, Romans and Turks. You are just an Arabic who living in Egypt but not related to Egypt history. So your are thinking and behaving just like an Arabic. We are Turks we have a great culture and In Turkish language we have a proverb about what to do with people like you, "Don't talk to the ignorant, he thinks he is a scholar" so bye and again, go back your desert and your cave Arabic!

Mısırlı'dan saçma sapan cahilce bir iddia -> Suna Göktuna The current Egyptians are genetically Egyptian at a rate of 80%, and I have no relationship with the Arabs because I am not an Arab and my behavior is due to the provisions of my religion. Turkey, there is no comparison at all :)

Ben ---> Mahmôud Khairy Baby you are an Arabic just fyi. Bye again.

Mısırlı'nın kşbarlık pozu ile empati toplamaya kasması daha demin kapanmadığım için zayıf olan benden değil seyircilerden empati istiyor ilk damlayan da hemen like veriyor ve bana aşağıdaki lafı çakıyor  -> Suna Göktuna I just wanted to prove to you that not all Islamic societies are like Iran and Pakistan

İlk damlayan ve laf çakması --->,Suna Göktuna why so much hate? So typical of you Turks!

Ona cevabım,

Vica when you will live in a monkey hell like me you may live your destiny to ignorant monsters' hand. Yes i'm Turk, i'm barbaric, i'm not a house kitten and of course i never obey like a farm animal.

Empati aşkına tutulan Mısırlıya da cevap verdim çünkim gereksiz medeni olma hali Mahmôud Khairy but this doesn't change İslam and your perpective is still primitive. Women are just a human like men and to cover up them is a madness and also this is a humiliation. İslam is an combination of ancient stories and old Arabic traditions. You may beleive but don't forget you are beleiving because you want to be approved by your society this is the your original motivation and of course this is a choice, nobody can't involve your desicions because this is your mind and your life but i am a woman and this culture is threating my life so this is my mind, my choice. Our original Turkish culture is so different, for us women are equal to men even more valuable and this Arabic culture destroyed us. Still our enemies using this Arabic relegion against us. But we are Turks, we will not let Middle East wild puppets's show. Follow my country you will understand what did i mean.

Mısırlının buna cevabı, Suna Göktuna i agree with you...the Arabs destroyed Turkey and Egypt....But in Egypt we live a very harmonious social life. We do not want to know each other’s religions because they do not concern us in communicating. Egypt has Muslims, Christians, and a Jewish minority... And we all love each other very much... Search on Google and you will find that women have rights And equal to a man

Mısırlıya cevabım, Mahmôud Khairy I know Egypt's political and social conditions you are living in your dreams :)

Mısırlı'nın cevabı, Suna Göktuna Good opportunity, and I hope you'll take a closer look at deeper before judging

Benim cevabım, I make judgments to make rational decisions, not to accuse people of something, and I never play devil's advocate when making these decisions.

Velhasıl bana da like veren oldu biri Paris'te avukat olan Bulgar bir kadın diğeri de Fransız bir kadın. Çünkü aklı başında mantıklı yargılar edinebilen o yüzden haklarına tüm dünyada sahip çıkması gerektiğini bilen  şahsiyetli kadınlar. Diğer kadınlar benim haklarımı da kodumunun maymunlarına kaptırmaya vesile oldukları için gözümde beş para etmiyor. Bir de Antartika'dan bir bey destek verdi like ile. Evet Antartika O_o

Bakınız bu da ama o halklar ABD'nin kurbanı yoksa o halklar misler gibi idi ABD geldi bık bık kafası tartışması.

Yine aynı Facebook sayfası. Burası da kahvehaneye döndü siyasi tartışmalar bişi. Ateşi ben yaktımsa belki de :p Hamama gitsem hamam siyaset arenası olur.

Sayfa şöyle bir şey paylaştı. Taliban'ın tarihi eserlere zarar vermesi ile ilgili bir yazı ile birlikte.

Londra'da yaşayan bir Fransız şöyle dedi: 
Send the bill to the yankees,they have put the talibans in charge.
The talibans became Afganistan's main scourge but is the yankees who will bring this world to a sad end!

Tabi ben hemen damladım ---> Giampiero Scafoglio

You're right, but if a society is stupid enough to be put to sleep with religion, that will be the consequences. The devil does his devilishness, that's his nature. Also fool does his foolishness. Only smart and brave people can fight these two groups, Afghanistan does not have such a stock of people. The same scenario was put into effect in my country, Turkey. As a Turk, I trust our history and character, but they have added refugees to the millions of Ottoman residues in my country, most of them are terrorists and criminals and the USA is behind them. Let's see what the result will be.

Fransızın cevabı (anlamsız bir saçmalama) ---> Suna Göktuna ...and you think the taliban have religion as their only mission,right?so..they run the business of opium and heroin and then their main scope is religion??are you serious?they are nothing but a pawn turned entrepreneur,they have the backing of their people"because they are locals not foreign crusading invaders"and they helped the yanks to stop russian expansion.
The same thing is happening in Siria:build a fictitious opposition,give it a religious purpose and there comes the yankee cavalry to make sure the filo-russian government doesnt win,meanwhile tons and tons of crude oil are stolen in Siria and precious litium vanishes from Afganistan!

Ben durur muyum hemen yabıştırdım cevabı ---> Giampiero Scafoglio I think you got lost in translation. I'm talking about putting people to sleep with religion. The Taliban is an organized crime organization and religion is its cover. People are drugged by religion. Reason and science lag behind. Women, half of the population, are pacified. It is very easy to take such a society hostage. The people's hostility towards the Russians is artificial. In fact, the third from the last king did modernizing and was trying to build a socialist structure because agriculture and industry were primitive, so they got closer to the Russians. But local authorities, clergy, overlords provoked the people against this modernization because they would lose their money and power. The US brings the Taliban into Afghanistan, glorified them with propaganda, and they cut off the heads of Russians and socialists and stopped the modernizing because they wanted to divide and rule. Typical British tactic. If the public is this stupid, their head will be cut off, which is a natural consequence.

Tekrar ediyorum şeytan şeytanlığını aptal aptallığını yapar yapacak bu onların doğası bunlara karşı zeki ve cesur olmak zorundayız içinde huzurla yaşayabileceğimiz daha iyi bir dünya ancak böyle tesis edilir ama elimizdeki bu tip insan stoğu buna yeterli gelmiyor maalesef :/

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